
What Our Clients Have To Say.

A Comprehensive Review by Fredalupe

“Having a dependable and trustworthy source of water, life giving and essential to health, is always there in my consciousness, and the question of its availability is equally paramount to myself and my considerations whereas how and where I live, move and go about my business. 

Bottled water is only an option of last resort, seeing as the majority are produced in questionable plastics, leaching toxins into their waters, and most often come sourced from equally questionable corporations whose mainly profit driven offerings don’t generally have anyone’s but their own interest at heart.

Micro-Glass Fiber

I’ve had the experience of utilizing a variety of the more famous water systems, filters, allegedly alkaline producing and otherwise, whose high price and energy dependent functioning most often deterred me from actually going through and purchasing them myself.  Though some did produce good waters those that did also had to be regularly cleaned and disinfected with odd chemicals that generally turned me off their use.

Alkalinity is everything, particularly in the highly acid forming environment I presently inhabit, vis-à-vis diet, cellular radiation (wifi), and the general stressors of modern living.  Typically, not having a natural source of alkaline water as found in nature, I would administer a daily dose of lemon infused water to guarantee the alkalinity I require to maintain good health and the absence of cancers, seeing as cancer simply can’t exist in an alkaline environment.  Yet good water was always in question.

Enter AQUAVITA. After blowing me away with their extensive understanding born of fifteen years of far-reaching experience in the area of water treatment, and literally proving the astounding alkalinity of the water produced by the AQUAVITA system through scientifically based comparisons with other waters before my very eyes, they went further and educated me on AQUAVITA’s essential antioxidant properties unique to this system, its product being micro-clustered and with enough active molecular hydrogen to give the body optimum hydration thanks to that increased hydrogen content, which is what makes the water easier for the body to absorb.  The science behind the workings of this system are quite something  and worth the study.

AQUAVITA [also] filters out a  ‘laundry list’ of contaminants, from chlorine and chloramines, dissolved organic material, residual pharmaceuticals, disinfection by-products, microbial contaminants and heavy metals, PCBs, pesticides, volatile organic compounds, as well as inorganic matter and on and on that list goes. To my knowledge no other system has such an extensive and impressive capacity of purification, [while also providing natural alkalinity, antioxidant properties, and being microclustered and hydrogen-rich].

To top it all off AQUAVITA’s water remains alkaline long after it’s been made, something no other system seems to be able to claim.  Of that I have no doubt as they kindly provided me with the means to continue to test its pH, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt the power of the AQUAVITA system.

The human body simply can’t do without a source of good clean natural water, and I am very grateful to AQUAVITA for providing me with exactly that.  Thank you for introducing me to a better and healthier life, and seeing as to how much water the body absorbs when bathing and showering, I truly look forward to trying out Aquavita’s shower filter next.”

 – Fredalupe, Editor of the New Agora Health Magazine

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