
Hydrogen and Alkaline Water
System in Canada


The world's healthiest water,
at your fingertips.

Why is natural mountain spring water—found only in a few locations worldwide – so sought after? By ferociously moving through miles of rock and mineral elements and natural magnetic fields, it gains unparalleled properties. Unfortunately, access to such water is incredibly limited and very expensive, and bottled water manufacturers almost never live up to their claims. Well, AQUAVITA® can help. Inspired by nature’s natural processes, our Ultimate Water System uses a proprietary process to not only completely purify water but enhance it with four key properties: electrolyte, antioxidant, microclustered, and hydrogen-rich. The system’s unique technology uses magnetic fields and infrared to produce water that is not only plentiful in electrolytes, preventing acidosis and digestive imbalances, but rich in antioxidant properties – imperative for combating free radical damage (“ageing”) in the body. The story does not end there, though, as AQUAVITA® water is also microclustered for enhanced absorption and detoxification and hydrogen-rich for elevated hydration. Every day, users should see an increase in energy levels and feel more hydrated with less, while supplement users will benefit from a water ionizer system that is broken down into smaller clusters for quicker penetration of blood vessels and muscle tissue. All this happens through a 100% natural process: no electricity, no electrolysis, no chemicals. The ultimate in-home water solution is here.

Ultimate System

Water That Balances

Body Balance

So, you’ve heard about alkaline water. But what is it exactly? Put simply, acidity is the property of water that allows it to balance excess acidity in our body. Many believe that alkalinity is measured using the pH scale, and high pH shows alkalinity and low pH signifies acidity. While this correlation is typically correct, it does not tell the full story (read more here). It is possible for water to have an “artificially raised” pH (such as through the use of electricity – see ‘Natural Alkalinity vs Artificial Ionization’ below) and do little to regulate the body’s digestive tracts. AQUAVITA® water is alkalized naturally using alkaline ions, and has a pH level ranging from 8 to 9.5, while the average diet of most people consists of foods that are highly acidic with a range between 3.3 to 5. What most people don’t know is that this overload of acid in our diets causes acidosis and has been linked to diseases such as diabetes, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, and other chronic conditions. By consuming AQUAVITA®’s natural alkaline ionized water in Canada in place of tap water, you can help your body find the natural balance that it seeks.

Watch The Alkalinity Experiment

Conducted by our Certified Master Water Specialist

Water That Cleanses


There are naturally occurring molecules in our bodies known as oxygen free radicals, which are, essentially, missing electrons. In order to fill that void, they take electrons from the body’s healthy cells. By drinking AQUAVITA® water – which is rich in antioxidant properties – you are introducing extra electrons to your body, keeping your cells from any damage caused by free radicals. Boosting antioxidant intake has been shown to help provide added protection against:

  • Premature ageing of skin and photodermatoses
  • Immune system disorders
  • Mood swings
  • Heart, eye, and memory problems

Watch The Antioxidant Experiment

Conducted by our Certified Master Water Specialist

Water That Elevates


When water passes through our proprietary process, it breaks up the clusters of water molecules into smaller clusters. This makes it easier for your body to absorb the water, allowing for its immediate absorption by the bloodstream and muscle tissue. Micro-clustering also promotes detoxification within the body’s digestive tracts. Supplement users will find that their powdered isolate increases in effectivity when mixed with AQUAVITA® water, while everyone should expect to see:

  • Boosted energy levels
  • More hydrated skin
  • Healthier digestive tracts

Watch The Microclustering Experiment

Conducted by our Certified Master Water Specialist

Water That Hydrates

AQUAVITA® water contains active molecular hydrogen, significantly enhancing the body’s hydration and allowing you to feel more replenished with less water. The infused hydrogen water system also assists athletes in their recovery process while reducing pain and inflammation as a result of chronic conditions such as arthritis. Above all, everyday users will undoubtedly feel the positive effects of active hydrogen in the context of anti-ageing and an overall increase in energy levels. Don’t take our word for it, though. The US National Library of Medicine’s peer-reviewed publication from the Current Pharmaceutical Design Journal has discussed the clinically tested impacts of H2 ingestion. Access the full paper, and many other ones, through the links below.

Watch The Molecular Hydrogen Experiment

Conducted by our Certified Master Water Specialist


Not all water systems are created equal. While some systems out there claim to provide filtration, most do not purify the water. While filtration may help with some contaminants, such as chlorine, it is not a complete solution at all. In order to make sure water is free of all contaminants, from microorganisms and heavy metals to organic/inorganic material and pharmaceuticals, it is purification that is needed. The AQUAVITA® Ultimate Water System is equipped with micro-glass fibre ultra-purification technology and ensures the complete treatment of water. What is the point of enhancing water with health properties if the water is not clean to begin with? The system is able to remove:

Micro-Glass Fiber

Difference Between Filtration And Purification

Explained by our Certified Master Water Specialist

Same world-class system Two form factors

With its revolutionary properties rolled into one, our Ultimate alkaline water system truly is the ultimate water solution. No electricity, no chemicals, no-nonsense. We can’t wait for you to try it.

With both an over-counter and an under-counter model available, you’ve got the full flexibility to select the one that is the best fit for you. They may look different but don’t worry, their insides are exactly the same.

AQ System
Electrolyte square
Hydrogen rich
Hydrogen rich

*AQUAVITA Water Systems and all filters/media are inspected, sanitized, and cannot be re-used. As such, we do not offer any refunds or exchanges upon installation.

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